Apache Spark - Set Operations
This blog post will focus on one type of RDD transformations: Set Operations
Set Operations
Spark support many operation on mathmatical sets.
For One RDD
: create a random sample from RDD.def sample(self, withReplacement, fraction, seed=None): ...
: sample with replacement or not.fraction
: the fraction (sampled size to total size) of the sampling.
: Return a new RDD containing the distinct elements in this RDD.def distinct(self, numPartitions=None): ...
Note: this operation is quite expensive because it must go through all the elements to identify the distinct samples. Use it with care.
For two RDDs
All of the following operation requires the two RDDs have the same type.
: Return the union of this RDD and another one.def union(self, other): ...
It will return an RDD consisting of the data from both input RDDs. Note: If there are duplicate samples in both input RDDs, the return RDD will have those duplicate elements.
: Return the intersection of this RDD and other one.def intersection(self, other): ...
Note: This operation performs a shuffle internally, which means this operation is pretty expensive. It will not contain any duplicate elements in the return RDD if there are any.
: Return each value that is not contained in the other RDD.def subtract(self, other, numPartitions=None): ...
- It only contains elements present in the first RDD not in the second RDD.
- It is useful when we want to remove some elements from the existing RDD.
- It require shuffling internally. The operation is expensive.
: Return the Cartesian product of this RDD and another one.def cartesian(self, other): ...
- Returns all possible pairs of a and b where a is in the source RDD and b is in the other RDD.
- It can be use to compare the similarity between all possible pairs.
Problem 1:
"in/nasa_19950701.tsv" file contains 10000 log lines from one of NASA's apache server for July 1st, 1995.
"in/nasa_19950801.tsv" file contains 10000 log lines for August 1st, 1995
Create a Spark program to generate a new RDD which contains the log lines from both July 1st and August 1st,
take a 0.1 sample of those log lines and save it to "out/sample_nasa_logs.tsv" file.
Keep in mind, that the original log files contains the following header lines.
host logname time method url response bytes
Make sure the head lines are removed in the resulting RDD.
from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkConf
def isNotHeader(line: str):
return not (line.startswith("host") and "bytes" in line)
if __name__ == "__main__":
conf = SparkConf().setAppName("unionLogs").setMaster("local[*]")
sc = SparkContext(conf = conf)
julyFirstLogs = sc.textFile("data/nasa_19950701.tsv")
augustFirstLogs = sc.textFile("data/nasa_19950801.tsv")
aggregatedLogLines = julyFirstLogs.union(augustFirstLogs)
cleanLogLines = aggregatedLogLines.filter(isNotHeader)
sample = cleanLogLines.sample(withReplacement = True, fraction = 0.1)
Problem 2:
"in/nasa_19950701.tsv" file contains 10000 log lines from one of NASA's apache server for July 1st, 1995.
"in/nasa_19950801.tsv" file contains 10000 log lines for August 1st, 1995
Create a Spark program to generate a new RDD which contains the hosts which are accessed on BOTH days.
Save the resulting RDD to "out/nasa_logs_same_hosts.csv" file.
Example output:
Keep in mind, that the original log files contains the following header lines.
host logname time method url response bytes
Make sure the head lines are removed in the resulting RDD.
from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkConf
if __name__ == "__main__":
conf = SparkConf().setAppName("sameHosts").setMaster("local[1]")
sc = SparkContext(conf = conf)
julyFirstLogs = sc.textFile("data/nasa_19950701.tsv")
augustFirstLogs = sc.textFile("data/nasa_19950801.tsv")
julyFirstHosts = julyFirstLogs.map(lambda line: line.split("\t")[0])
augustFirstHosts = augustFirstLogs.map(lambda line: line.split("\t")[0])
intersection = julyFirstHosts.intersection(augustFirstHosts)
cleanedHostIntersection = intersection.filter(lambda host: host != "host")
Thanks for the amazing tutorial by Youtuber Analytics Excellence
The code can be found in the Github repository