Apache Spark - Accumulators
Accumulators are variables that are used for aggregating information across the executors.
Practical Example: 2016-stack-overflow-survey-responses.csv
We want to answer the following questions by single pass of the dataset:
- How many records do w ehave in this survery result?
- How many records are missing the salary middle point?
- How many reconrds are form Canada?
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '.')
from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkConf
from commons.Utils import Utils
if __name__ == "__main__":
conf = SparkConf().setAppName('StackOverFlowSurvey').setMaster("local[*]")
sc = SparkContext(conf = conf)
# initialize 2 accumulators in the driver program
total = sc.accumulator(0)
missingSalaryMidPoint = sc.accumulator(0)
# read dataset and create RDD
responseRDD = sc.textFile("in/2016-stack-overflow-survey-responses.csv")
# define a fliter function and update cooresponding accumulator.
def filterResponseFromCanada(response):
splits = Utils.COMMA_DELIMITER.split(response)
total.add(1) # add total count
if not splits[14]:
missingSalaryMidPoint.add(1) # add the one without salary mid point
# the boolean value for flitering the records from canada
return splits[2] == "Canada"
responseFromCanada = responseRDD.filter(filterResponseFromCanada)
print("Count of responses from Canada: {}".format(responseFromCanada.count()))
print("Total count of responses: {}".format(total.value))
print("Count of responses missing salary middle point: {}" \
Here, by intergrating the accumulator into a fliter function, when flitering the data from Canada, the other result can be calculated at the same time. This successfully answer 3 questions with a single pass of the dataset.
Tasks on worker nodes cannot access the accumulator value, which means the accumulators are write-only variables.
This property allows accumulator to be implemented efficiently without having to communicate every update.
It is not a only way to answer those questions. We can achieve the same output by using reduce or reduceByKey operation. The benefit is that we usually prefer a simple way to aggregate values within the process of transforming a RDD, or values that are generated at a differen tscale or granularity than that of the RDD itself.
Adding another accumulator to count the bytee processed.
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '.')
from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkConf
from commons.Utils import Utils
if __name__ == "__main__":
conf = SparkConf().setAppName('StackOverFlowSurvey').setMaster("local[*]")
sc = SparkContext(conf = conf)
total = sc.accumulator(0)
missingSalaryMidPoint = sc.accumulator(0)
# Adding a Bytes processed accumulator
processedBytes = sc.accumulator(0)
responseRDD = sc.textFile("in/2016-stack-overflow-survey-responses.csv")
def filterResponseFromCanada(response):
# update byte process accumulator.
splits = Utils.COMMA_DELIMITER.split(response)
if not splits[14]:
return splits[2] == "Canada"
responseFromCanada = responseRDD.filter(filterResponseFromCanada)
print("Count of responses from Canada: {}".format(responseFromCanada.count()))
print("Number of bytes processed: {}".format(processedBytes.value))
print("Total count of responses: {}".format(total.value))
print("Count of responses missing salary middle point: {}".format(missingSalaryMidPoint.value))
Thanks for the amazing tutorial by Youtuber Analytics Excellence
The code can be found in the Github repository